A Guide to Coming Up with Creative Titles By Andrea Li The title of an essay or book is always the first thing the reader will read, making it extremely important to come up with a catchy, creative title to draw the reader in. The title should make the reader want to know more! I think we have all been there, getting to the end of an essay and seeing the word “Title” centered at the top of the page. After all the work on the essay, we then have no idea what to put at the top to summarize our writing and give it a name. Here are two steps to help come up with a great title! 1. Brainstorm a list of possible ideas. Write down all the titles that come to mind, regardless of whether they are good or not. It will be helpful to think about the underlying theme of the essay or book, symbolic settings, events, or objects, and also particularly interesting phrases or lines that come up. The title will spark more curio...