By: Andrea :) If you have read enough books, you will probably start to see patterns with scenarios that only seem to happen to main characters of fictional novels and never in real life. Here are a few that I’ve noticed: The generation-old secret discovered in an ancient home You’ve definitely seen this one in a mystery book with a gang of kids as the main characters. They probably found the first clue by accident, on a boring summer’s afternoon or a cozy, snowy winter’s morning. Whether it’s a mysterious map, wrinkled letter, antique object, it was hidden in a secret trapdoor or a messy basement. There’s spiderwebs everywhere, dust covers the shelves, and the house features creaky old wooden floors. This secret has been hidden for generations, and it’s a mystery unsolved — until the main characters find it of course. The kids go and decode the message and follow the clues, to ultimately discover a big secret about the house. There’s nothing wrong with this cliché, an...